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Pregnant couple hands

Prepare for a Mindful Cesarean Birth

How to prepare for a mindful cesarean birth C-section. Cesarean Birth. These words can ignite strong opinions and emotions. Often lost in the current debate about cesareans is the individual pregnant person, who prepares to give birth in a culture that alternately glorifies and vilifies both medical technology AND individual power and choice. How can…

Stacked stones as a metaphor for shifting and sifting birth stories. Photo copyright 2016 Virginia Bobro

Emerging Birth Stories: Shifting and Sifting

When we experience an unexpected, intense, or life-changing event, we can feel shaken to our core. Sometimes we realize during the event or soon after that our life and ways of thinking will never be the same. Other times, it may be weeks or months before we face the irreversible and transformational nature of our…

purple shovel stuck in sandy beach

Ten Ways to Prepare for Birth

There are many ways for expectant parents to prepare for childbirth. You may already be doing many of them, such as: Filling your brain with information and current research; Attending childbirth preparation classes; Taking notes and making lists; Hearing other people’s experiences and opinions; Reading birth stories; Caring for your body and your baby by…